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February 7th & 8th, 2025

Revival Begins at Home

The great problem facing God’s people is not a government issue or even a cultural issue; our great problem is a problem at home. Our culture will be changed by our churches and our churches will reflect what happens in our homes. A revival in the Christian Homes of our region could change the world for Christ.

Shawnee Lodge and Conference Center

Christian Home Crusade Retreat Poster

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Event Schedule

Revival Begins at Home

The great problem facing God’s people is not a government issue or even a cultural issue; our great problem is a problem at home. Our culture will be changed by our churches and our churches will reflect what happens in our homes. A revival in the Christian Homes of our region could change the world for Christ.


Why Does the Home Matter?

The home is God’s first institution, and yet the structure and purpose of the home are terribly misunder stood. Attempts have been made to build homes on many foundations but the only solid foundation is the word of God. The Christian Home Crusade exists to help homes become what only God can make them. We seek to prepare homes by training teens before their homes begin. We seek to meet couples at the time that their homes are facing unknown challenges. We seek to strengthen singles, and those whose spouse has already gone to heaven by showing how God can use this season of life for his glory.

We Need: Revival, Motivation, Momentum, Instruction, Challenge, Strengthening

Host and Speakers


Hosted by the Calvary Baptist Church

Portsmouth, Ohio


Held at the Shawnee Lodge and Conference Center

West Portsmouth, Ohio

Pastor Ryan and Cassie Brown

Calvary Baptist Church of Portsmouth, Ohio

Curry MTS Card 4x6

Brother Stephen Curry

Chaplain, Huntington, West Virginia


Meeting Overview

Friday, February 10th

5:00 pm - Buffet Supper at Shawnee Lodge and Conference Center
6:30 pm - Exhibitors Open
7:00 pm - Opening Session
8:00 pm - Breakout Sessions
Teens, Singles and Couples

Saturday, February 11th

8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Panel Session
10:00 am - Breakout Session One
10:45 am – Breakout Session Two
11:30 am -  Closing Session


The Key Features of the Event

A time away to build and strengthen each home with sessions targeted to each group.

❖  Special sessions for: Teens, Singles, Couples and Widow/Widowers

❖  A buffet meal on Friday evening is included with the cost for the Christian Home Crusade Retreat.

❖  Pastor Ryan and Cassie Brown, Pastor Daniel and Christy Dent, Brother Tim Throckmorton and Brother Stephen Curry are currently committed to speak. More to come!

❖  Soul-Stirring music for each session!

❖  Helps for the Christian Home Exhibits

❖  Special rate for rooms at the Shawnee Lodge and Conference Center

❖  Special Teen activities and Teen registration rate for all teens in attendance.


Christian Home Crusade Report - 2018

❖ Over 25 sponsoring churches.

❖  People registered from 41 churches.

❖  People from 39 countries listened to the online radio broadcast.

❖  Several people made professions of faith in Christ Jesus.

❖  Thousands of people attended, listened to the online and terrestrial radio broadcast or watched online.

❖  Families across our region were encouraged and strengthened to influence our communities for Christ.

Organization and Information

The Christian Home Crusade is sponsored and supported by many Independent Baptist Churches from Ohio as well as Kentucky and West Virginia.

The pastors of these churches serve as leaders of the Christian Home Crusade that must happen in our region. Join with them to impact our homes!

Christian Home Crusade Information Packet

How Can Local Churches Help?


➢God has given us an opportunity to come together for the cause of the gospel. Much can be accomplished when people with the truth of God also demonstrate the grace of God, together.


➢Sometimes we can be the greatest resource for encouragement by simply being present. Plan to be involved!

❖Support through recognition and information.

➢By recognizing the Christian Home Crusade Retreat, you can lend your support and influence to the meeting. Help through promotion, canvassing etc.

Contact Us

Calvary Baptist Church
2306 Waller Street
Portsmouth, OH 45662
Phone: 740-353-6844
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